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Do you share our philosophy and want to join us?
Please send us your cv to [email protected].

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*In accordance with the provisions of current legislation on personal data protection and in Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of April 27, 2016 (GDPR), your personal data and email address will be treated under the responsibility of RESIDENCIAS CANARIAS S.A. Purpose: sending communications about our products and services. Conservation: as long as there is a mutual interest for it, depending on the applicable legal deadlines. Legitimation: consent of the interested party or execution of a contract. Recipients: the data will not be communicated to third parties, except legal obligation. We inform you that you can exercise the rights of access, rectification and deletion of your data, as well as limitation, portability and opposition to its treatment, by written notification, to the above address or by sending a message to the email [email protected]. More information at If you consider that the treatment does not comply with current regulations, you may file a complaint with the supervisory authority at LEGAL NOTICE: This message and its attachments are addressed exclusively to the recipient, and may contain confidential information subject to professional secrecy. It is not allowed to communicate, reproduce or distribute it without the express authorization of RESIDENCIAS CANARIAS S.A. If you are not the final recipient, please delete it and inform us in this way.